
The following is the overview of the Counity institutions that ensure the adherence to the Counity principles. Counity institutions are here assigned to the dominating Counity principle even if they relate to multiple Counity principles. For more detail on the Counity institutions check Counity foundations here.

1 Openess

Public questioning

The right of each community member to request any public-relevant knowing and, through a court process, to question any public-relevant action. Restriction of the right may be subject to only rare exemptions if these are in extraordinary public interest.

2 Truthfulness

Data collection

Ubiquitous and continual collection of personal, organizational, public, and natural data for analyses required for efficient management of private and public matters.

Compliance check

Ubiquitous and continual evaluation of compliance of each community member and each organization with Principles.

Public log

Publicly accessable ubiquitous and continual collection of public-relevant actions and statements to keep a public record and to check compliance.

Expert institutions

Expert institutions to manage public policies, including law and its execution. Regular eligibility and voting procedures to select the leaders of these institutions based on professional competency of the candidates, complemented by Public log, Compliance check and Public questioning. Expert institutions, including their law making and execution, to be coordinated by government, which is a coordination expert institution.


Institution for judging of serious cases of non-compliance with law and performance of Public questioning.

3 Adaptation


Ubiquitous and extensive use of virtual models of physical objects and processes (digital twins) to collect, analyze and represent data to effectively manage these objects and processes. Application to virtual identity of Counity members and virtual economy of Counity businesses and organizations.

4 Effectiveness

Common social ground

Social unity to be maintained through common social ground such as sharing common language, values, and information base, ensuring equality, and complying with law and Counity principles to prevent disintegration of the society leading to ineffectiveness.

Cooperating economy

Fast and extensive continual transfer of resources (knowledge, employees, assets, etc.) ensuring efficient and effective utilization of resources.

Utilization of humans based on their best abilities and in compliance with Balanced life.

Equal monetary remuneration of humans, adjusted (increased or reduced) in proportion to their lifecycle needs (for example number of economicaly dependent children), satisfaction of compliance and level of effort (for example voluntarily reduced working hours. This would not be the case of unvoluntarily reduction of working hours induced, for example, by health or family conditions). Unequal monetary remunaration in proportion to unequal distribution of endowment of abilities, luck, and negotiation power among humans is unearned and often causes humans to excessively focus on property and power and, thereby, leads them to unbalanced life and rivalries with multiple negative effects on themselves, employing organizations and society (for the negative effects see examples of failure of adherence to Happiness Principles). The combination of Balanced life, utilization of best abilities, equal monetary renumeration, and compliance checks will support humans to achieve the overall best work satisfaction and performance. Humans with biggest endowment of abilities will be rewarded with, and at the same time will have biggest responsibility of, biggest participation on the management of the community.

Fast and wide utilization of best solutions. Centralization applied if effective.

Appropriate diversification through operation of alternative teams and undertaking of alternative solutions. Utilization of market for marketable products and services.

Public ownership of resources and organizations to eliminate conflicts of interest of private owners and absorp uneven shocks when the multi-objective economic optimization in line with the Principles is carried out. Consequently, private ownership to be limited to personal belongings.

Set up, funding and supervision of teams (incl. startups) through investment committees and funds (similar processes to those of venture capital and private equity in capitalism).

Sharing economy

Extensive use of asset and knowledge sharing.

Adaptive economy

Fast and extensive adoption of data and new knowledge and technologies.

Environmental economy

Environmentaly considerate, circular, emission-free.

Public services

Multiple public services provided to members of the community free-of-charge in maximum quality to achieve Basic Purpose, especially Effectiveness and Balanced Life. The range and quality of public services, the public service standard, to be determined by the economic and knowledge performance of the community and prioritization within the allocation of limited resources of the community. Public service standard to include, for example, personal belongings, accommodation, transportation, education, health service, leisure service, and counseling.


Virtual and physical infrastructure for extensive information and logistics connectednes among the members of society, organizations, and public administration.

Best practice

Ubiquitous and continual development, reconsideration, and publication of best practices for individuals, organizations, and society. Balanced life guide being an application of best practice as practical guide to Balanced life containing personal rules based on Counity principles.

5 Balanced life

Balanced life monitor

Evaluation of personal compliance with balanced life guide based on personal data from Data collection.


Personal and family counsellors providing guidance in implementation of best practice in the area of personal and family Balanced life and Common ground. Important part of counseling to be guidance in nutrition, physical activities, personal and family relationships, raising children, personal and family economy.