The following is the overview of the Counity principles that ensure that Counity effectively understands and influences the complex, uncertain, and changing world in which we all live and explain why and how maximum sustainable happiness of the Counity and its members should be searched. For more detail on the Counity principles check Counity foundations here.
1 Openness
Exploration and discussion of any matter is allowed and supported.
Implied Principles
- Freedom of opinion and expression
2 Truthfulness
Knowing must be verified and truth to be acknowledged.
Implied Principles
- Data-driven
- Evidence-based
- Competency
- Transparency
- Sincerity
3 Wholeness
Totality and interconnection of the world to be considered.
Implied Principles
- Long-term considerations
- Global considerations
- Considerations of interests of different social groups and non-human life
- Environmental considerations
- Opportunity and risk management
4 Diversification
Alternative explorations to be performed.
Implied Principles
- Justified alternative explorations to be developed, operated, and evaluated on a certain scale to keep open options in complex, uncertain, and changing world.
5 Adaptation
Permanent reconsideration and adjustment of everything.
Implied Principles
- Permanent challenge of established orders
- Fast and extensive adoption of new knowledge and technologies
6 Efficiency
Maximization of utilization of available resources.
Implied Principles
- Modesty
- Sharing
7 Effectiveness
Maximization of the ability to accomplish the aims.
Implied Principles
- Focused utilization of assests and knowledge
- Comprehensive management
- Cooperation
- Coordination
- Information and logistics connectedness
- Appropriate set up of private and public rights
8 Community happiness
Maximum sustainable happiness of the community to be searched as humans live, produce, and thrive only in society as the intellect and abilities of the society to understand and influence the complexity, uncertainty, and changes of the world are fundamentally higher than those of any individual human.
9 Individual happiness
Maximum sustainable happiness of the community to be achieved as a maximum sustainable sum of happiness of the individual members of the community as the community is created by its members.
Implied Principles
- Excessive focus on happiness of a member or a member group of the community harms happiness of the other members of the community.
10 Balanced life
Happiness of the members of the community to be searched in a balanced life of the members in which different components of the life are in the right amount and proportion as happiness of the humans is created by their balanced life.
Implied Principles
- Excessive focus on any of the life components (often on comfort, property, power) harms other life components (often physical health, mental health, social relationships, environmental conditions) and, as a result, harms the happiness of the individuals and functioning of the society.
- Excessive focus on present happiness harms future happiness and on the contrary.